Friday, March 11, 2016

Heartland Poets Respond to Bullying Poetry Anthology

We will be seeking submissions soon for a poetry anthology titled Heartland Poets Respond to Bullying. The submitted poems need not be about childhood/young adult bullying, but can also include as the subject: in the workplace, in culture, in politics, in facing the -isms (sexism, racism, ageism, ableism, etc.), religion, marital status, military service status, and such.

If including hybridity/document poetics, any images will be published in black and white if accepted.

Our plan is to read through June 1, 2016 (the submissions cut-off date), choose by July 1, 2016, and then go to press.


Call for poems

If you are a poet living in Kansas, Missouri, or Nebraska, please submit up to three poems (no longer than six pages). We are hoping to publish a 150-page book.

We do not know how many will submit, but we promise to choose the best and diverse work we can. We encourage, people of color, LGBTQ individuals, people with disabilities, members of ethnic minorities, foreign-born residents, and veterans to submit.

Please send your poetry submission to:


Call for artwork

Artists living in Kansas, Missouri, or Nebraska are encouraged to apply for the front and back cover art. There is no fee for submitting art. Two free copies will be given to the winning artist. We only ask for permission to use your work for the cover and marketing.

Please send your artwork as a .jpg of 300dpi to: 


If published, we cannot offer any royalies or payment, as this is truly a zero-profit venture.

However, we can offer one free book to each contributor who is chosen. Also, we will offer contributors copies, including to those who are not chosen, for $8. The cover price will be $12.

Any additional funds earned will go to purchasing copies to be sent to libraries for free. In the long term strategy, we will look into providing free copies for young adults through libraries, etc.

In other words, no one will profit from this. Instead, we are volunteering our time for this effort.

To ensure this, there will be reporting here for transparency reasons.


Thank you for your consideration!